Feature Breakdown
Scroll down to see a snapshot of what SPARC Media Hub can do.
Stunning Design
It's easy navigate SPARC Media Hub, thanks to its gorgeous design.
Mobile Friendly
Work at the office, home, a clients business or from your car.
Secure servers to store all your data for your peace of mind.
Share creative requests, prep ideas and more between multiple markets.
Built-In Phone Screener.
Screen your calls, add information about the caller so announcers know exactly who they are talking to. Integrated with Telos phone systems.
Control your phones from anywhere in the world
Build caller databases faster
Create a Calling Queue for topic or contest executions

A creative workflow system that makes sense.
Know what everyone is working on and handle creative from multiple markets in one place.
Quickly assign and re-assign tasks to writers and producers
Auto enforce creative deadlines

Giveaways done right.
Assign giveaways to dayparts or announcers. SPARC Media Hub can reconcile to make sure commitments have been met.
Search winners by phone number
Auto check for winner compliance

Collaboration perfected.
Shows can work together on their prep. Sort content by "evergreen", "timely" and "tomorrow".
See More About Prep Collaborate
Text-enable studio line
Finally a texting platform that is built in to your workflow system, utilizing information you already have!
Send GIF's and Emojis
See prizes your texter has won
Guess who is texting from winner list