1. The first section of your On Air Dashboard is Daily Assignments.
These are any items that are happening on today's show.

2. The left column of Daily Assignments is On Air Mentions.
These are live reads/tags for clients that have been assigned your show. To learn more about adding a mention execution click here.

3. The right column of Daily Assignments is Prizes.
These are all the contests that have been assigned to your show for today's show. The appear in chronological order. Any "floating" contests will appear at the top of the list with no time assigned. To learn more about adding winners to contests click here.

4. The next section of your On Air Dashboard is Promotions Assignments.
Anything listed in this section is upcoming and not necessarily occurring today.

5. The left column of Promotions Assignments is your station events.
Any station events you have been assigned to will be listed under "Event Name"

6. The right column of Promotions Assignments is your client remotes.
Any remotes that you have been assigned as the talent or the board op will be listed here.

7. The final section of the On Air Dashboard is Station Information
Anything listed in this section is not assigned to you or your show, but is information or is assigned to your station.

8. The left column is the 5 most recent winners on your radio station.
This includes all other shows, online winners and text-to-win winners.

9. If you'd like to see more information about the winner, click View Info & Media.

10. The middle column of the Station Information section in Station Liners.
Any liners that are assigned to your station will be listed here. It will likely be a line to read on the air about your station's app, the weekend countdown, etc. To learn more about executing a station liner click here.

11. The right column on the Station Information Section is Events.
These are all station events that are upcoming. You may not be assigned to these events, this list is used to keep you in the loop.

12. If you'd like more information about a station event, click View Events.

13. If you'd like to see a full calendar of all upcoming station events, click View Calendar.