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Creating A New Recurring Creative Task

Do you have a creative task that needs to get done everyday? With SPARC Media Hub’s recurring tasks you no longer need to create the task each day.


  • Login to SPARC Media Hub using your favourite browser
  • Select AdminCP from the sidebar (If you do not see AdminCP, you do not have sufficient permissions)
  • Select Creative Management from the sub-menu. (If you do not see Creative Management, you do not have sufficient permissions)
  • Select Recurring Tasks (If you do not see Recurring Tasks, you do not have sufficient permissions)
  • Once on the Recurring Tasks page click the New Recurring Task button in the top right-hand corner.


  • If you’re assigned to multiple markets, select your market in the dropdown. If you are only assigned to one market you be directed to the New Recurring Task page immediately.
  • Fill out the following fields:
    1. Client: Select the client from the dropdown menu
    2. Subtitle: Give your task a name. In our example, we’re going to name it “Morning Show Promo”.
    3. Stations: Select which station this task is for. This can be a single station or multiple.
    4. Special Instructions: Any instructions needed each day. We recommend being as detailed as possible in a situation where you are away, the person filling in for you will have all the information needed to complete the task.
    5. Audio Needed By: Does this need to be on the air today or tomorrow? Use the dropdown to specify.
    6. Default Writer: What writer will be assigned to this task every day? If you want to assign a writer each day select “Always No Writer”. If you’d like to assign the default writer that is assigned to the client select “Client Default Writer or No Writer”.
    7. Default Producer: What producer will be assigned to this task every day? If you want to assign a producer each day select “Always No Producer”. If you’d like to assign the default writer that is assigned to the client select “Client Default Producer or No Producer”.
    8. Run Every: This is where you will select which days of the week you’d like this task to show up on your creative dashboard.
    9. Start/End Dates: Select the start and end dates of this task.
    10. Click the blue Add Recurring Task button and you’re done! The task will start to show up the next day.