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Adding a New Daypart

1. Click on AdminCP

Click on AdminCP


2. Click on User Management

Click on  User Management


3. Click on Daypart Manager

Click on  Daypart Manager


4. Click on Add Daypart

Click on  Add Daypart


5. Give the daypart a name

Give the daypart a name


6. Select the station this daypart will be assigned to

Select the station this daypart will be assigned to


7. Select the team members that will be assigned to this daypart

Select the team members that will be assigned to this daypart


8. Click on the first member's name in the dropdown

Click on the first member's name in the dropdown


9. Add any additional team members

Add any additional team members


10. Click on Daypart Start Time

Click on Daypart Start Time


11. Assign a start time for this daypart/show

Assign a start time for this daypart/show


12. Assign a end time for your daypart/show

Assign a end time for your daypart/show


13. Click on Add Daypart and you're done!

Anything assigne to this daypart will appear for any attached team members.

Click on Add Daypart and you're done!