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Create a Make Good on a Missed Contest

1. Click on AdminCP

Click on AdminCP

2. Click on Contest Management

Click on Contest Management

3. Click on View Local Contests

Click on View Local Contests

4. Locate your contest that was missed and click on Edit

Locate your contest that was missed and click on Edit

5. On the contest edit page, scroll to the bottom and click on Duplicate Contest

On the contest edit page, scroll to the bottom and click on Duplicate Contest

6. This will create an identical copy of the existing contest. Rename the contest like "Steam Town Shopping Spree - Make Good". As long as you can identify it, that's all that matters.

This will create an identical copy of the existing contest. Rename the contest like "Steam Town Shopping Spree - Make Good". As long as you can identify it, that's all that matters.

7. To create a single one-day make good, scroll down to "Contest Type" and select "One Time Contest" in the dropdown

To create a single one-day make good, scroll down to "Contest Type" and select "One Time Contest" in the dropdown

8. Next select the date for the new make good contest to appear for the dayparts selected.

Next select the date for the new make good contest to appear for the dayparts selected.

9. Use the calendar widget to select the date

Use the calendar widget to select the date

10. Click on Manage Prize Assignments at the bottom of the screen

Click on Manage Prize Assignments at the bottom of the screen

11. Type in the amount of make goods needed

Type in the amount of make goods needed

12. Click on Create Contest, and you're done!

Click on Create Contest, and you're done!